Holiday village locates in the region of Southern Ostrobothnia in the city called Tuuri
If you're using GPS just write our address Riihontie 200, Tuuri and you're good to go. Parking is free in the holiday village.
Highway number 18 coming from the direction of Alavus:
Drive through the center of Tuuri and drive forward about 1 kilometer to the direction of Töysä/Jyväskylä/Ähtäri until you see the sign to Tuuri Resorts on your left and a road called Riihontie on your right, then turn to that road. You can see the road leading to a wind turbine. Drive that road forward about 2 kilometers. At the end of the long runway (about 1 kilometer) you can see Tuuri Resorts on your right.
Highway number 18 coming from the direction of Ähtäri:

About 1 kilometer before the center of Tuuri you can see the sign to Tuuri Resorts on your right and a road called Riihontie on your left, then turn to that road. You can see the road leading to a wind turbine. Drive that road forward about 2 kilometers. At the end of the long runway (about 1 kilometer) you can see Tuuri Resorts on your right.
Helsinki-Vantaa 325 km
We offer transportations from and to the airports e.g. Helsinki-Vantaa when being ordered beforehand. The price depends on the number of persons and it should be ordered a week before the transportation at the latest. When ordering the transportation, please provide us the information of your flight.